Given the choice, I would much rather take a bath than take a shower. I know that there are people who say, you don’t get as clean because you’re laying in a sludge of your own filth, but to them I say: Look, I’m really lazy and I’d much rather lay down than stand up.
So I enjoy taking baths, and as I had pointed out in updates through Facebook, if I’m at home alone, I don’t bother closing the door when I go to the bathroom, and that includes taking baths or showers. Apparently many of my friends are the same way. One of the detriments of bathing with the door open is that your dogs can come in and out of the bathroom with wild abandon, which is just what Angus does every time I take a bath.
As soon as I start pouring the water into the tub, Angus will run into the bathroom and hop up onto his hind feet in order to get some fresh bath water. As he is a Shih Tsu and is quite small, he can’t get to the water even it has completely filled the tub. So rather than have him go through the whining and barking to get what he wants, as the tub is pouring I will usually dole out three to four handfuls of warm bath water (from the tap, not the tub) so that he can drink from my hands.
Is this normal? For the dog that is. I know I’m not normal. How many people out there will scoop out water from the tub to hand feed their dog? Trust me, I know I’m not normal. But is it normal for a dog to want to drink warm water rather than cold?
25 April 2013 at 13:39
My pomeranian 2 years old, does the same thing. Everytime I take a bath she comes in and drink 3 or 4 hand full of warm water. Im not sure if this is normal, but i plan on asking my vet on the next visit. All i know is your not the only one.