I’m not a big fan of walking in the rain. Even when I’m in rain gear, it is still pretty unpleasant; despite what Gean Kelly says (singing in the rain, my ass!).
Today started out well enough in that there was some wind, but it was pretty dry. We took the dogs out to Wadestown for our regular Saturday walk, and made it back before the rain hit. The Wadestown walk however is quite short of our 10,000 step goal. And now with the rain coming down in buckets, we have no real inclination to walk outside, so what am I to do in order to make my 10,000 steps?
In situations like this, I like killing two birds with one stone. Not literally mind you, as I can’t throw stones that accurately and those birds are pretty quick. Anyway, since the weather is less than perfect, I thought getting the laundry out of the way would be a good way to kill some time. So after washing and drying the laundry, I would take the loaded laundry baskets into the living room (basically the furthest point from our dressers and closets) and then, single piece-by-piece, I would bring them into the bedroom to be put away.
So imagine three or four baskets of laundry in the living room, and me walking back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, from living room to bed room, until every single piece of laundry is put away. It can literally take hours to put the clothing away in that fashion, but tonight alone, I added about 6,000 steps to my total for the day!
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