Caution: He Spits

Friday, October 07, 2011 21:02 Posted by leosaumure
I was walking home today when I reached a traffic controlled intersection. Not long into my wait for the light to change, one of my pet peeves occurred.

So there I am, waiting for the light to change, as one does, when this inconsiderate ass wad stops right beside me, and begins puffing his on his cigarette letting the smoke fly right in my face.  He didn't blow it directly in my face, but the wind carried it right in my face (For those keeping count, I have used the phrase: right in my face, four times.  And now, back to our regularly scheduled blog rant).

You know, I believe in people's rights.  If you want to fill your lungs with carcinogenic poisons, be my guest.  But don't spew your acrid smoke around so that others have to breath in that crap that just came out of your blackened lungs.  If you smoke, quit being an inconsiderate douche bag and stand away from a crowd.  How would you like it if I walked down the street with a bottle of water, took a big swig, and started spitting my backwash as far as humanly possible without any regard for who might be spit on?  I'd tell you how you'd like it (it was a rhetorical question anyway); you'd be incensed that anyone would that asinine in the first place.

So my question is this: If social norms suggest that spitting on strangers has been removed from the revised addition of Mrs. Manners Big Book of How Not to be a Arse Blaster, why the hell is it all right to blow poisonous fumes around without any thought to who, besides yourself, is being poisoned?

People can be complete dicks!

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