The run before the run

Sunday, September 08, 2013 13:53 Posted by leosaumure
Today was the practice run for the half Marathon in two weeks, and it was...ok.

We probably couldn't have asked for better weather as we're coming near the half way mark to September in Wellington; which usually means cold, bleak, rain, and wind!  Lot's and lots of wind! Apparently that is coming tomorrow. Today's weather however, was wonderful; nice and sunny, and not too much wind.

We started out the run at Balaena Bay at about 6:30 a.m. as we wanted to emulate the start time for the run in Sydney in a couple of weeks. As we made our way our way south for the first three or four kilometres, we were pushed along by a gentle wind, but had a great view of the sun rising above the harbour.

At about the 4 KM mark, we ducked into The Cutting, into the Miramar neighbourhood, and then into Seatoun. From that point on, it was nothing but but gorgeous sea views from that point on.

I was feeling pretty good throughout the entire run, except for the last 2 KM. I have a feeling it is nothing but a psychological thing, but I always find the last two KM (even in a shorter run) to be the hardest.

Anyway, run completed. We're not breaking any records, but we're slowly but surely getting more and more kilometres under our belts.

Half Marathon before the half marathon

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