Strange Dream

Wednesday, May 21, 2014 06:11 Posted by leosaumure
Ok, so last night, I had a dream that I was in some sort of Thunderdome-ish event where you basically had to fight to the death, or at least until your opponent was incapacitated. You know, a normal Friday night.

Anyway, as is usual with these kinds of dream where I am physically trying to hurt someone, nothing I did would work. Blows would usually glance off my opponent because my arm would somehow slow down in mid punch, or get tangled in my sleeve, or I would lose my footing and not be able to connect as I wanted. In short, I have never been able to actually cause any real pain or damage when I have a dream about fighting. This kind of fits with my personality as I don't like causing pain in others; I can't even watch fail videos without cringing and turning off the video.

Anyway, something different happened in the dream last night: When the guy I was fighting had turned his back to me, I was able to finally strike a blow! Like, I nailed this guy, and I felt it too! In a real fight, when your fist connects with something hard and heavy, there are repercussions. It isn't like the movies where you hit the guy and your hand continues on through space like you are going through paper. In real life, physics doesn't work that way. Your fist connects, and most of the momentum from the blow transfers to your target, and you hand pretty much comes to a dead stop in a fraction of a second. It hurts your wrist, your shoulder, etc.

However, my point isn't that I was finally able to land a punch. My point is how I was able to land a punch. From everything I can remember about dreams where I am fighting, this has been the only time I actually hurt someone. And how did I hurt him? With a punch to the back of the head, where I couldn't see his face or his eyes.

Strange eh?

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