Freaked out puppy

Sunday, January 11, 2009 19:58 Posted by leosaumure

shihtzuKristie and I rented a suspense/horror film today called The Strangers.  It is the story of this couple, in a cabin in the woods, that gets attacked by three sadistic murderers.  Generally I don’t like horrors; not because I find them frightening, but because they are usually nothing more than a slasher film.  This one, on the other hand was virtually all suspense and shock.
Anyway the reason that I am blogging about it in the first place, is that half way through the movie, while all of our lights are out, and the television is casting an eerie shadow, and during a very suspenseful part of the film, Angus, who was asleep, startles up, and starts a low menacing growling towards the kitchen.  He starts stalking slowly towards the kitchen and then starts a shrill, intense barking session towards the kitchen.  I got up to see if there was anything to make him so upset, but couldn’t find anything.
Both Kristie and I thought that the timing of the whole thing was quite coincidental.  Angus, on the other hand was kind of freaked out.

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