Why can't I install Why strange errors?

Sunday, January 03, 2010 20:51 Posted by leosaumure
It is possible to download an ISO, burn a CD, have no errors but still have a bad installer. This installer can work but the resulting system will have odd errors.

In Mint you can right click an ISO file and check the MD5 or Checksum then compare this to the one listed at the download location.

The current MD5 of the latest version of Linux Mint 8 Helena Main Edition is:

If your MD5 matches that then the ISO is good. Now burn the CD slowly to avoid write errors.

You can not depend on the CD burner to check for errors, it will check for a good burn but has no idea if every 1 and 0 is in place on the burned ISO disk, so;

With the CD in the drive open your terminal and enter one of these - depending on the location of your CD drive: *

dd if=/dev/sr0 | md5sum
dd if=/dev/cdrom | md5sum
dd if=/dev/scd0 | md5sum

The computer should think a while, the CD should move and after some time the terminal will return a long number. Anything other than 06fc2f27f8352a2bac5516b86c020755 is no good.


*If the terminal returns an instant reply of d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e then that is the MD5 of nothing and the path to the CD drive was wrong, try an alternative.

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