There is a video on the webernet right now that is going viral. It is a video of young Australian boy, named Casey Heynes being bullied by a smaller kid, who is backed up by some muscle behind camera (the muscle reveals himself at end of video). Note: I won't link to the video itself, as I don't want to sensationalize the violence that occurs.
In the video, Casey, the victim, is simply standing in a school foyer, when the smaller kid (I'm going to call him Toady) comes up, says: "Have you been talking shit?'', then grabs him by his shirt and punches him square in the face, knocking Casey's head back. It is important to realize that Casey stands passive until this point. His hands are at his side, and has not even taken a defensive posture. Toady then tries to punch him in the face again, and Casey blocks this blow. Again, Casey isn't even in a defensive position at this point. Toady then starts show boating with some foot work and jabs Casey a couple times in his midsection. At this point in the video, you can see that Toady is about to try to administer another head shot, when Casey finally snaps. In a flurry, he wrestles Toady completely off the ground and administers a devastating body slam of Toady onto the hard floor. The effect of Toady is immediate; he tries to get up, but he is clearly injured, and can barely stand up. It is at this point that Toady's muscle comes from off camera and confronts Casey. Casey turns to walk away, and the muscle starts to follow him. Luckily, a brave girl steps between Casey and the muscle and prevents any further violence.
The Herald Sun reported that both Toady and Casey were suspended. Let me repeat that: Both Toady and Casey were suspended! A New South Wales Department of Education and Training spokeswoman said that the school "does not tolerate any violence and deals with all cases according to its community-agreed discipline code". This is what makes me seethe with anger! Casey, who apparently has been bullied his entire life, is now being punished by the school board for being a victim! Pardon my internet euphemism, but WTF?
I ask anyone in that school board who thinks that the suspension is justified to think about the following scenario:
You're sitting in your car, parked, and enjoying a quiet afternoon. Suddenly, another car starts ramming into you, again and again, unprovoked. You can't go backwards; you can't get out of your car. You're panicking; you don't even realize fully what is happening at this point. The car is relentlessly ramming into you, back and forth, again and again. The only way out of this situation is to drive your car headlong into the other car to get away. Now, imagine after the incident, you're mind is reeling trying to figure out what happened, when you are approached by a police officer and you are arrested for causing an accident.
How can anyone at the school board, after watching that video (and don't tell me the video wasn't watched by members of the board), have the heart to suspend Casey? I am pretty sure that the school board's community-agreed discipline code has no bearing in a child defending himself. Do not blame the Victim!
I generally think that society today has become too litigious, but what the board did to Casey is no different than what Toady did to Casey, In fact, it is worse! They have seen the evidence; they have seen that Casey was viciously attacked and they still willfully punished the victim. This is no less an attack on Casey that what Toady did and as such, I believe that legal action should be taken against the school board. Actions have consequences, as I'm sure Toady will understand now. Similarly, the board's actions must not go unchallenged. I believe that legal action should be taken against the members of the board that inflicted the punishment on Casey.
If anyone is interested in showing their support, a Facebook fan page has been started for Casey at