Guys and Dolls

Sunday, March 27, 2011 07:51 Posted by leosaumure
Guys and Dolls
Last night we rented the movie Guys and Dolls.  Up until this point, I had never actually seen the whole movie.  I had seen bits and pieces of it over the years, and of course I had heard a few of the songs that were made famous by the movie, but I never actually watched the whole thing.

While overall, I really liked the movie, I thought the pairing of Frank Sinatra and Vivian Blaine lacked any chemistry what so ever.  I thought that the dance number in the sewers could have been removed.  And evidently, the contraction wasn't invented until after 1955.  Every actor in the movie sounded like Fat Tony from The Simpsons.

All in all, I liked the movie and would give it a 6 out of 10.

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