It's Two-Two-Two Blogs in One

Sunday, April 01, 2012 06:47 Posted by leosaumure
I haven't blogged about our runs in a couple days so here is the information about our last two runs.

Remember how whiny I was on Tuesday's run? You know, because Kristie basically ran circles around me in terms of speed, and after every lap she would slap me on the back of the head? Remember? Well Thursday's run was actually at an even faster pace, but this time I had no real issues with it. On Tuesday's we ran 7 KM at 41 minutes and 23 seconds, while on Thursday, we did the the same distance 15 seconds faster! Yay! So despite my whining, I still managed to have a good run at a faster pace. I'll still whine if I feel tired though...this changes nothing in that regard.

Yesterday's run was suppose to a long one; we had originally planned on doing anywhere from 12 - 15 KM. But the weather was so nice yesterday, we thought the best way to take advantage of it, was to take the dogs for a run on the beach instead. So we packed up the car with our furry friends and drove to Waikanae, which is this gorgeous, long, flat beach that stretches on for ages. The length of the beach however had nothing to do with how far we'd be going.

We knew going in that we wouldn't have a very long run as Angus can only go so far, and so fast on his stubby little legs. To his credit, he did manage to keep up fairly well when he was running, but Angus' legs aren't the only issue that come into play when we try to run with him. Angus has a tendency to be distracted. And by tenancy, I mean that Angus can not pay all! Anything that catches his eye or nose will draw him away from the task at hand. So even though we managed to run for just over 20 minutes, I think we may have only traveled about 2 KM in actual distance. We may have run about twice that far, but due to the constant circling back to collect our distracted dog, it seemed much shorter. It is kind of like the folds in an accordion: when the accordion is closed, it is pretty short, but when you open it up to full length, it can be quite long.

The bad thing about going to Waikanae is that after the run we ate horribly. After the run we stopped at a cafe for a flat white and a chocolate chip cookie (some of the best cookies we've had here). Then, as we stuck around the area for a while, we stopped at a Fi & Chi place for lunch. We split a single order of chips. And finally, we had an ice cream cone for dessert! So any gains we may have made on the short run (which wasn't much to begin with) were negated by our lousy eating!

Today's run will be the long run that we missed yesterday.  Stay tuned!

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