Dream Big

Sunday, September 28, 2014 22:27 Posted by leosaumure

A while back, I was day dreaming that I'd be able to start up a nutrition podcast with Walter Willet.

Walter Willet is a physician and nutrition researcher. He is a professor and Epidemiology and Nutrition, and he is the chair of the department of nutrition at Harvard School of Public Health.

I had read a bit of his publications, and watched some of his videos and found him to be brilliant; if you want to know about real nutrition, and not the bullshit diet fads and dangerous nutrition ideas published by many other bozos, then follow his works.

Anyway, back to my flights of fancy. So I had it in my head that I could simply call Dr. Willet up on the phone, ask him to co-host a podcast about nutrition with me (a non-credentialed nobody). I'm pretty sure it could have worked (*cough*...bullshit!).

I did come to my senses, but not before creating a cover album for the podcast that I had envisioned. Although the podcast idea may have been a pipe dream, I thought the cover art was kind of inspired.

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