I Want More of This?

Friday, July 23, 2010 20:05 Posted by leosaumure
calendar This has been an cursed week when it comes to IT for work.  Virtually every day something strange happened to our IT.  Servers went down, data was lost, files corrupted, gremlins were-a-creepin’ that’s for sure.  So why would I want to work a full day extra a week?
To be honest, I have been so busy over the last three to four weeks, I’ve been too busy to spend more than about a day on the database I am designing, which is too bad because I’m really getting excited about what I’ve been producing for it.  The problem is every time I get to dive into it, I get interrupted by another “emergency”.  Which causes me to loose focus and my train of thought.  By the time I get back to the database, I have to reacquaint myself with what I was doing.
Some of these “emergencies” I was talking about are just that; emergencies.  Like I said, we had issues with corrupted files, data loss and our web and mail servers going down.  These issues totally take precedence.  But some of the “emergencies” such as changing a screen resolution so that one doesn’t have to scroll as much, or instructing how to change Outlook so that your unread email appears in blue rather than black, well they’re not really that urgent.
I just found myself getting further and further behind.  It felt like I was totally spinning my wheels.  So with that in mind, I ask our new CEO for an extra day a week until the database has been implemented.  She thought it was a great idea, and I start my four day work week next week.
What is kind of funny is that the staff obviously know that their “emergencies” tend to get in the way of the database implementation as they joked that they get a whole extra day to ask about mail merges, and font adjustments, etc.  *sigh*.  Oh well, lets hope we can get the new database going soon.
By-the-way.  Total tangent here, but Tim-Tams dipped in coffee?  OMG it’s like melted chocolate heaven!

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