Ok, what can I say about today's run? Ummmm. Hmmmm. Well, it was 5 KM long, and we completed it in about 30 minutes. We briefly toyed with the idea of extending it to 7 KM, but in the end simply went the 5 KM. Let's see, what else? Ummmm. Yep, that is pretty much it. I guess you can only make blog entries about repetitive runs so interesting for so long.
It was a pretty good morning for a run; no rain, no wind, a good temperature, etc. But still, it was just another run. No dogs chased us, no injuries occurred, no alien abductions, just a boring old run.
I guess I can say that traffic on the road was a little heavier than usual. Generally, when we get up at 5:00 a.m., we're out the door by about 15-20 minutes after 5:00 a.m. At that time of day, you'll see a few cars here and there, but today seemed busier than others. Actually, now that I think of it, we've noticed a pattern where on Monday, traffic is nearly non-existent. Whereas by Wednesday, there is significantly more traffic. The reason I mention this is that the sidewalks here aren't very wide, so in order to run side-by-side, I like to run on the road; quite close to the sidewalk. Whenever a car would approach, I would simply hop up onto the sidewalk and continue along until the car had passed. Then, it is back onto the road. Today however, I was constantly hopping on and off the curb (or Kerb in NZ. Seriously? You spell Curb with a Ke?)
Anyway, that is about as much excitement that I can deliver for today's blog entry on our boring old run.
It was a pretty good morning for a run; no rain, no wind, a good temperature, etc. But still, it was just another run. No dogs chased us, no injuries occurred, no alien abductions, just a boring old run.
I guess I can say that traffic on the road was a little heavier than usual. Generally, when we get up at 5:00 a.m., we're out the door by about 15-20 minutes after 5:00 a.m. At that time of day, you'll see a few cars here and there, but today seemed busier than others. Actually, now that I think of it, we've noticed a pattern where on Monday, traffic is nearly non-existent. Whereas by Wednesday, there is significantly more traffic. The reason I mention this is that the sidewalks here aren't very wide, so in order to run side-by-side, I like to run on the road; quite close to the sidewalk. Whenever a car would approach, I would simply hop up onto the sidewalk and continue along until the car had passed. Then, it is back onto the road. Today however, I was constantly hopping on and off the curb (or Kerb in NZ. Seriously? You spell Curb with a Ke?)
Anyway, that is about as much excitement that I can deliver for today's blog entry on our boring old run.