Nailed It

Saturday, March 24, 2012 13:43 Posted by leosaumure

This is turning out to be more-and-more a total crap week!

Yesterday we went to take the dogs out for a walk in the gorge when we noticed that the tire was flat (I talked about this briefly in the last blog entry).  So today we were going to go for a run and then change the tire (or Tyre in NZ) and bring it in to be repaired. Unfortunately, less than two minutes into the run, I started to get back spasms! And because we needed the car ready for today due to a movie and for Monday in order to go to an appointment in Lower Hutt, I had to make sure that my back was in good working order. Therefore, we decided not to chance having my back go completely out of whack (what would you call it if it were only partially out of whack? semi-whacked?), and stopped running for that day.

One of the questions that I have is how the nail got lodged in my tire (or tyre in NZ) in the first place? Have you ever seen a single nail standing straight up, on its own? Drop a nail on the ground several times, say 20 times, and count how often it will land straight up? I'm pretty sure that the answer will be close to zero. So how come it ended up, pointy end lodged in my tire (or tyre in NZ)?

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