Slow Down Already

Tuesday, March 27, 2012 20:04 Posted by leosaumure
Today's run, a Tuesday run, is usually suppose to be about 5 KM. But Kristie and I thought we should try to top load the week again, so we went for 7 KM.

Now generally on a run with two people, one person will set the pace and the other will match it, and this run was no exception...although I wish it was. Unlike me, Kristie seemed to have a lot of energy today so she set the pace today. I should add that she set the second fastest pace we've done on our 7 KM route so far! We have quite a few hills in our area, which didn't seem to slow her pace at all. Me on the other hand, I was struggling to keep up today. Even on the downhill part, where you can generally rely on gravity, I was much slower than her.

We finished the run a little better than a minute off our best time, but about a minute faster than our usual time too. Needless to say, I was very happy to end the run today.

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